17 December 2011

From the cupboard #1


I recently (well, 6 months ago) migrated to a new laptop, and decided I needed to move old photos to new laptop. This gave me a good reason to go through some old images and see what I have.

So, while I don't use film very requently any more, I'll be posting to odd photo here from the archives.

11 March 2011

Family Portrait

It's honestly not as bad as some might think.

Left to right, top to bottom:

Minolta XG-M; BelOMO Vilia; Holga 135BC
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super; Agfa Isola; Holga 120GN; Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/18
LSI Fisheye 2; Kiev 4
Holga 120SF; Kiev 6C; LOMO Sokol 2
Kodak Brownie 127; Zorki 4; Agfa Isolette 2; Moskva 4

03 January 2011

To my Kiev 6C

Heavy, like a brick
And smells of Mother Russia.
Weapon in disguise?